Elimination of architectural barriers-legal standards
Elimination of architectural barriers has been carried out on a legal level for many years. European legislation, including Polish codified a number of provisions in this regard.
Likwidacja barier architektonicznych – prawo międzynarodowe:
- resolution 48/96 on The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities adopted on 20 December 1993, while 48 session of the UN General Assembly,
- The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities-UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/61/106 of 13 December 2006).
Likwidacja barier architektonicznych – prawo unijne:
- The Charter Of Fundamental Rights Of The European Union,
- European Disability Strategy 2010-2020: A Renewed Commitment to Barrier-free Europe of 15 November 2010,
- Recommendation Rec(2006)5 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe adopted: On April 5, 2006 – the Council of Europe Action Plan to promote the rights and full participation of persons with disabilities in society: improving the quality of life of people with disabilities in Europe 2006-2015,
- Resolution (of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe) ResAP(2001)1 on the introduction of the principles of universal design into the curricula of all occupations working on the built environment (15 February 2001).
Likwidacja barier architektonicznych – prawo polskie:
- Construction Law Act of 7 July 1994 (consolidated text Journal of Laws 2013, no. 1409 as amended),
- Regulation of the Minister of Infrastructure of 12 April 2002 on technical conditions, which should correspond to buildings and their location (Journal of Laws 2002, no. 75, item 690 as amended),
- Standard PN-88/B-01058 residential construction – sanitary facilities in flats – coordination requirements for functional surfaces and equipment.